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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Dell Mobile looking for Indian market

Dell, a company that you would normally associate with laptops and desktop PCs, is now getting into the mobile phone business here in India.

The company has launched a major ad campaign in all major newspapers inviting “distributors” for their mobile phones though the timeframe is not exactly clear nor do we know the kind of phones that they are planning to sell in India.

Except for Android based Dell Aero and Dell Streak, which is more like a mini-tablet than a smart phone, Dell has little to offer as far as phones are concerned. There are reports that Dell is working on a Windows Phone 7 based device called the Dell Lightning but we don’t know if this is real.

The mobile market in India is huge but it’s a fairly price-sensitive one at the same time – most people still prefer a BlackBerry or a Nokia smartphone over an iPhone. It will therefore be interesting to see what Dell has in store for Indian mobile users.

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